Patient registration
Thank you for connecting with MIGYNAE – Specialists in Minimally Invasive Gynaecology and Endometriosis Care
There are a few things to note before starting your registration:
- You are first required to create an account & password to start the registration process, you can save and come back to it.
- It is best to collect all your documents before starting the registration process because once submitted, no further documents can be added
- Set aside 10-15 minutes to complete
- Please to be sure to fill in the Telehealth section as this may be required in the future. (Skype address = Email address)
Examples of Supporting Documentation to upload:
- Your new referral from your specialist or GP
- Pelvic ultrasound result (if you have had one)
- Most recent CST result (the old Pap smear)
- Pathology swab test results (if you have had these taken)
- Operation reports from previous surgery (if applicable)
- Biopsies results from previous surgery (if applicable)
- Correspondence from other Gynaecologists (if applicable)
How Appointments are offered:
We look forward to taking care of you. Our office policy mandates that we receive referrals prior to offering appointments. This ensures that we have all the facts to correctly triage your condition and find the most appropriate clinician and appointment time frame.
At Migynae we pride ourselves in ensuring that patients with urgent needs are seen within prescribed wait times. That is why our doctors are the ones responsible for triaging your referral and instructing staff when to offer appointments. This important process is not left in the hands of the administration staff.
Sometimes, in order for you to be seen at an earlier appointment, you might be offered a time with a doctor other than who you were referred to. If this is the case, and you would be prepared to wait longer to see your preferred practitioner, you are more than welcome to ring and our staff we will be happy to reschedule.
As soon as you complete your sms registration, you can expect to be offered an appointment via sms, within 3 business days. Sometimes it can take a little bit longer at very busy times but, please, if you haven’t heard from us in 7 days, ring our reception on 9500 1828 to discuss.