Our treatment pathway, should you be triaged as having severe endometriosis, is to enter our Care Service Program which will provide you with a carefully planned multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of endometriosis by our doctors and care partners.
With our team working so closely together, we have the option to schedule a Multidisciplinary Team Meeting with all care professionals should your symptoms persist, giving you a truly holistic approach to the treatment of these complex conditions.
As a team who continuously strives to stay abreast of the latest treatments of pelvic pain for women, Dr Ang is an authorised prescriber of CBD oil. Migynae has partnered with Ananda Hemp and CaptureCARE to bring a thoroughly monitored experience to those patients who’s doctor believes could benefit from this treatment.
Patients are given the option of registering with CaptureCARE who will provide regular Telehealth nursing support to monitor your CBD oil journey. This free service reports back regularly to your prescribing specialist, keeping all parties updated between scheduled face to face appointments.
Migynae patients complete thorough Qualify of Life questionnaires and must be under the care of a pain specialist to be prescribed this medicine.